
Class, News, Politics, Socialism, War

Arguing With President Trump

On February 5 our great flag-hugging president Donald Trump stood before Congress and delivered his State of the Union Address. Among other things he said: Here, in ...

4 min read

Archives, Capitalism, News, Politics, Socialism

Trump’s Economist Advisors Seeing Red Everywhere (2018)

From the December 2018 issue of The Socialist Standard The word ‘socialism’ is more attractive than scary these days—and that has the White House worried. Two hundred ...

6 min read

Capitalism, media, News, Politics

Manufacturing the News

Mark Fishman, associate professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, City University of New York, investigated routine news production by examining the work practices of reporters and other ...

4 min read

News, Politics, Socialism

The World Socialist Party of the United States Turns 100

From the July 2016 issue of The Socialist Standard It is now just a century since the World Socialist Party established itself in the USA. Other such ...

5 min read

Capitalism, Class, Economics, News, Politics, Uncategorized

The ‘Democratic Socialism’ of Bernie Sanders

To a socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is far and away the least distasteful of the current contenders for the American presidency. He seems decent and sincere. Although ...

6 min read

Capitalism, Class, Economics, News, Politics, Socialism, Terror, War, Work

Profit Hotel (Dirty Gossip About Capitalism)

A look at the connection between war, the security state, and capitalism.

3 min read


Book Review: The Alternative to Capitalism

A review of a book, co-authored by two SPGB alumni, which analyzes capitalism, clarifies the meaning of socialism, and fleshes out the few genuine socialist tendencies.

2 min read