
Environment, healthcare, News, Science

COVID-19: The Lab-leak Hypothesis

Did the coronavirus leap from bat to man at a wildlife market or inside a scientific laboratory? We may never know for sure, but the lab-leak hypothesis is plausible. What are the implications?

3 min read

healthcare, media, Work

Why the Premature Reopening of the US Economy?

Why is Trump reopening the US economy -- and forcing Mexico to reopen its economy too -- when the pandemic is still on the rise?

4 min read

healthcare, Work

Nurses Refuse to Work Unprotected

Ten nurses have been suspended at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California for refusing to work without the protection of N95 respirator masks. Are they really in short supply?

1 min read

Capitalism, Economics, Environment, healthcare, Housing, News, Science, Socialism

Markets Are Trash

The Covid-19 pandemic exposes the cruel and absurd results of relying on markets for the satisfaction of human needs. In Las Vegas homeless men sleep on a parking lot on a street full of empty hotels.

4 min read

Capitalism, Economics, healthcare, Science

A Cure for COVID-19: A Profit-making Strategy

Interim results of trials of the drug Remdesivir on Covid-19 patients are very encouraging. But could the drug be reaching those who desperately need it more quickly?

5 min read

Economics, Environment, healthcare, News, Politics, Science

Why the Shortage of Medical Supplies?

Why are medical supplies in such short supply? This study explains the main reasons and presents three case studies: respiratory face masks, ventilators, and vaccines.

16 min read

Capitalism, Class, Economics, Environment, healthcare, Marxism

The Virus and the Money-tree

A Marxian analysis of the pandemic, its origin, and its economic impact. Reposted from the magazine Internationalist Perspective.

11 min read