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Ron Elbert

Archives, Capitalism

Capitalism and Underdevelopment: Where Leninists Go Wrong

From the Summer 1986 issue of The World Socialist The whole Leninist theory of imperialism turns on two or three major concepts: the twin notions of super-profits and super-exploitation, monopoly ...

4 min read

Archives, Politics

Bourgeois Blues: The Future of a Collusion (2017)

From the March 2017 issue of The Socialist Standard “I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution Smile and grin ...

4 min read

Capitalism, Class, Politics, Socialism

Clash of the Nincompoops — The 2016 Presidential Election

Talk given by Ron Elbert at the Community Church of Boston, November 13, 2016 You might have seen clips of House Speaker Paul Ryan warning a crowd in ...

11 min read

News, Politics, Socialism

The World Socialist Party of the United States Turns 100

From the July 2016 issue of The Socialist Standard It is now just a century since the World Socialist Party established itself in the USA. Other such ...

5 min read

Capitalism, Class, Economics, Politics, Socialism, War

Socialism as a Practical Alternative

A talk given by Ron Elbert at the Community Church of Boston on May 11, 2014(with minor edits for context) Since the keyword in the title of ...

10 min read

Capitalism, Class, Economics, News, Politics, Socialism, Terror, War, Work

Profit Hotel (Dirty Gossip About Capitalism)

A look at the connection between war, the security state, and capitalism.

3 min read


What Is Common Ownership?

An explanation of the meaning of common ownership.

2 min read


Marx’s Conception of Socialism

An elaboration on some of the key components of Karl Marx's conception of socialism.

8 min read